Many Roads Travelled -Solo Female Travel Podcast & Blog

Many Roads Travelled : (Solo Female) Travel Podcast

Many Roads Travelled : (Solo Female) Travel Podcast

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Being the Queen of Sheba in Fes Morocco! Many Roads Travelled : (Solo Female) Travel Podcast

Welcome to Many Roads Travelled: (Solo Female) Travel Podcast The travel podcast that takes you on epic road trips around the world via public transport or hitching! So if you love to travel & travel adventures then come along for the ride! The first series was about my 16 months, 31,000-mile road trip from Paris to Cape Town way back in 1993/94! The 2nd series was about my solo month-long overland trip around Central America in February 2020. I travelled to 6 countries including Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. The 3rd series is about returning to Brighton UK after 6 years, (my home for 20 years) and travelling around Morocco with a cane due to my bum knee in June 2022. First of all, thank you so much for listening. Check out the travel websites that I use for travel insurance, booking hotels, tours and if you would like to work from anywhere then join my free affiliate marketing course then just go to On today's episode #72 (S3E3) Being the Queen of Sheba in Fes MoroccoI will be talking about:What to do in Chefchaouen MoroccoHow to get from Tangiers to Chefchaouen MoroccoHow to get to Fes from Chefchaouen MoroccoWhat to do in Fes Morocco  You can find more info on Many Roads Travelled as well as on social media: New episode is out every other Thursday! The next episode we will be going to Casablanca & Agadir Morocco! This series will be about my recent trip to Morocco (June 2022) Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss a stop on these epic road trips! Donations will be greatly appreciated (and I receive 100% of them). You can help me keep producing the podcast right here.  If you would like to contact me with any questions, feedback or about being a guest on your show you can get in touch via my contact page or Press Kit. If you would like to get a shoutout on my weekly podcast then just leave me a review on iTunes for Apple users on my website or in the comment section on my Youtube channel. Until then, safe travels…one road at a time.Tamara xSupport this podcast at —
  1. Being the Queen of Sheba in Fes Morocco!
  2. Solo Travel Tales From Tangier Morocco
  3. Flights, Canes And Beauty Brighton UK
  4. Amazing Zip Lining in Beautiful Monteverde Cloud Forest in Costa Rica
  5. Beautiful Ometepe Island Nicaragua & Travelling to Monteverde Costa Rica
  6. Good Times in Granada Nicaragua
  7. Boarding Down an ACTIVE Volcano in Leon Nicaragua!
  8. Antigua and Beautiful Lake Atitlan, Guatamala
  9. Visiting Stunning Semuc Champey, Guatemala
  10. Lovely Flores and Getting Lost In Tikal Guatemala!

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Are You Ready To Join Me On My Crazy Ass Adventures?

Solo female travel podcast climbing mount Kilimajaro
Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in 1993! …Amaze Balls!

Latest Episode #70: Flights, Canes & Beauty Brighton UK (S3E1)

What Is Your Travel Podcast All About?

Well considering most of us have been housebound in 2020 due to COVID 19,

I thought why not bring you along on my travel adventures to fill your travel bug needs.

I have taken many epic road trips over the last 30 years (to 76 countries).

These all have been via public transport (and some hitchhiking).

I believe in sustainable travel and think we all need to embrace it to keep our beautiful planet and animals safe!

The only big overland road trip that I have (partially) done with somebody was my first trip (which is what my first series is about).

So I thought it would only make sense to make it a solo female travel podcast.

But I think it will appeal to most people who like to travel…or that is my hope! 😉

I have done shorter trips like long weekends or week-long trips (often with friends or partners)

so I will cover those as well, since I know not everybody can take off 6 months or a year to travel.

How Is Your Travel Podcast Different From Others?

As I wanted to do my travel podcast differently than the many (great) travel podcasts out there.

Instead of doing interviews or one random destination at a time,

I thought why not do it chronologically from start to finish.

So each episode is about a different destination on my trip.

Therefore, I would recommend starting with the 1st episode so you can get a real sense of what life is like on the road,

especially as a solo woman! As well as join me on the whole adventure!

You will also get a chance to travel back in time to see/hear what travelling was like before the internet, mobile phones,

Trip Advisor and Google maps existed!

However, I give you up-to-date info in each episode and you can compare the different pricing and

how different travel was back in the 1990s to the present day.

I also include at least one tip specifically for solo female travellers.

My most recent road trip was in July 2022 – 10 days travelling around Morocco.

I think doing my 1st and last, trips back to back will also be a

good contrast to how travel has changed over the last 3 decades.

Solo female traveler feeding turtle in India
Feeding turtles and deer with Indian baba in India

Who Is Your Travel Podcast For?

It’s really for anyone who :

  • Loves to travel
  • Loves exploring off-the-beaten places
  • Loves adventures
  • Loves road tripping (even though I travel by public transport you can do it in your own vehicle)
  • Solo (female travel)
  • Is looking for travel itineraries

The Lowdown On The First Series Of My Travel Podcast

My first series is about my first backpacking trip in 1993 when I was 23.

It was also my longest and hardest!

This road trip was from Paris to Cape Town, then I hitched back up to Nairobi.

It lasted 16 months and covered over 30,000 miles through 25 countries!

My goal was to do the whole trip overland which I succeeded in & lived to tell the tale! Woohoo!

I didn’t actually leave on this trip on my own, actually, I hadn’t planned to do this trip at all!

However, I ended up travelling on my own after a few months..

To get the full lowdown then listen to my first episode

The 2nd series is about travelling overland through Central America in February 2020 right before the Covid lockdown.

I travelled through 6 countries in 30 days.

The 3rd series is about travelling through Morocco using a cane & knee brace (not recommended lol) in June 2022.

Now without further ado let’s hit the road!

Reviews for Many Roads Travelled : (Solo Female) Travel Podcast

Episode 1 & 2 Of My Travel Podcast